Brussels Mobility – Design of a control room

Accueil » Case studies » Brussels Mobility – Design of a control room

Design of a control room as part of a group of video surveillance, public road safety and tunnel management infrastructures in the Brussels region (Belgium).

-Analysis of sources and existing material
-Study of the project’s technical specifications
-Presentation of solutions for video wall controllers (64 screens) and operator stations adapted their needs
– Organization of a Proof of Concept in the Mobiris environment
-Assistance in project management and analysis of offers.

Deliverables: Drafting of the CCTP, detailed provisional budget, implementation plans, ergonomic studies, integration synoptics, analysis of the systems selected.

Some pictures of the project:

Our client’s opinion:

“A big thank you to the Motilde teams who listened to our expectations and supported us throughout this ambitious project.”

Moaad Yacoubi – Project Manager

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