Logistics tracking solution

A solution to optimise your logistics traceability system

Delivery errors, lost parcels and theft can cause delays, replacement costs and a loss of confidence among your customers.

Parcel and transport traceability is a major issue for companies with a physical flow of products.

To meet this need, traceability and supervision solutions, as well as video-based suspicion detection, are being used more and more.

At Motilde, we offer sensor-based technology (cameras, IOT, etc.) and specialised software to help you track your parcels and transport efficiently and transparently.

Parcel tracking using video: the benefits

Video tracking of parcels is an increasingly popular logistics management tool for companies. The benefits are numerous, particularly in terms of security, planning and customer satisfaction.

Motilde’s solutions allows:

  • Improved parcel security by quickly identifying errors and theft
  • Increased transparency for customers by providing video evidence of delivery and proper preparation of packages
  • Reduced operational costs by eliminating time spent on manual tracking of packages
  • Easier dispute resolution with tangible evidence of delivery conditions
  • Optimisation of stock management: logistical traceability by means of video makes it possible to check that the logistical processes in the warehouse are respected

Solution for better logistics tracking

Our solution involves a combination of global supervision of the IT tools used in the logistics world and specialised software such as VMS (Video Management System).

The latter make it possible to link video to the software used to manage logistics platforms.

Our video surveillance system has been designed to link video recordings to parcel barcodes (or any other parcel characteristic entered into the system). The black box between two scanning or control points is finally a relic of the past: the camera takes over to give you all the information you need.

This intelligent video surveillance technology makes it possible to track parcels at every stage of the supply chain. You can follow the progress of your goods in real time or at a later date by searching video footage by parcel number (or any other characteristic). Simply enter the parcel number and the video footage you want will be instantly displayed to help you understand what happened.

The user interface:

interface utilisateur

Possible integrations

Our solution can be combined with:

  • VMS: The VMS lets you manage everything from a single interface, giving you total control over your video surveillance system. It orchestrates a surveillance workflow by integrating with cameras, encoders, recording systems, storage infrastructure, analysis software, etc.
  • WMS warehouse management software (ERP), offering the possibility of automatically obtaining stock status, the weight of a load, and potential risks. All this can be done using a simple image analysis. Some cameras can even determine the exact measurements of a parcel, enabling pallet storage space to be optimised more efficiently.
  • a geolocation system: this provides global supervision from the warehouse to the unloading point
  • IOT sensors: these can be located in transport vehicles (lorries, trains, etc.) as well as on logistics platforms

The success of the entire supply chain depends on effective coordination between the different processes in the supply chain. By setting up a logistics control centre (or control room), processes can be continuously monitored, problems can be detected and solved quickly, logistics costs can be optimised and the quality of service offered to your customers can be improved. Motilde is a recognised player in control rooms. Contact us for more information.

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